Solar pv module Monocrystalline semi flexible 150w solar panel price pakistan lahore
1.More efficiency
The efficiency of flexible semi flexible solar panel is up to 21.3%
2.Easy Installation
*Holes on panels are pre-drilled for fast mounting and securing, perfect for non-permanent installations
*Can be affixed by adhesive, grommets or Velcro (with which you can easily attach or detach the panels)
*Can be installed without costly structural roof reinforcements
3.Widely Compatibility
Boats/Sailboats, Yachts, Marine applications,Motorhomes/RVs, Expedition Vehicles, Commercial Trucks/Trailers, Caravans/Popup Off-Grid and Remote Communication sites and more
*Ideal for storage in tight spaces or crowded areas that are typically off limits for traditional glass and aluminum models

150w solar panel price pakistan lahore
Wooden case , pallet.Foam fills and plastic corner to ensure the product is not damaged during transport.
150w solar panel price pakistan lahore
150w solar panel price pakistan lahore

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