New Established biomass gasification system ,biomass gasifier for sale, wood chips gasification power plant
At Present, Our Company can have biomass gas multiple production . after we use biomass gas to output electricity , we can have
the ash(charcoal , ) be activated carbon. the marke value is very high . and the ash can be insulation material of steel mill. even , we can refine the liquid from circulation
to improve the quality of soil.
we have installed 1 unit biomass gasifciaton power generation system which output 1mw electricity and the charcoal is used to produce activaed carbon.
1. Gasifier 2. Carbon Ash release conveyor 3 .spray tower 4. Maze Scrubber 5. turbulence tower 6. Purify tower
7. induced draft fan 8. dry filter 9. buffer tank 10 internal combustion engine. 11 cooling tower . 12 ,water pool
13 cooling tower 14 Buffer storage of Carbon ash 15 air lock 16 cyclone 17 induced draft fan 18.Pulse filter 19 , air compressor
Type of Biomass Gasifier : Downdraft fixed bed gasifier , Up draft fixed bed gasifier ,fluidized bed gasifier . there are different features among them.
Application biomass : MSW, agriculture waste, forestry waste and so on.
Efficiency : 72% to 80%. give wood chips as an example, 1.2kg wood chips can produce 1kwh electricity .
Final output : power , charcoal , heat , steam , liquid .
Project cases
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