300W Roof Solar Power Panel Manufacturers in China


***** 300w roof solar power panel manufacturers in china *****

Rated Maximum Power at STC285W290W295W300W305W310W320W
Maximum Power Voltage (Vmp)35.6V35.8V36.1V36.3V36.5V36.7V37.2V
Maximum Power Current (Imp)8.01A8.11A8.19A8.29A8.38A8.45A8.61A
Open Circuit Voltage ( Voc)44.6V44.8V45.1V45.3V45.6V45.9V46.4V
Short Circuit Current (Isc)8.66A8.72A8.78A8.84A8.91A8.96A9.05A
Module Efficiency14.76%15.02%15.28%15.54%15.81%16.06%16.58%
Power Tolerance0~+3%0~+3%0~+3%0~+3%0~+3%0~+3%0~+3%
STC: Irradiance 1000W/m², Module Temperature 25°c, Air Mass 1.5
Mechanical Parameters 
Cell TypePoly-crystalline 156x156mm (6inch)
No. of Cells72 (6x12)  
Glass3.2mm, High Transmission, Low Iron, Tempered Glass     
Junction BoxIP65&IP67 Rated     
Output CableSection Size: 4mm² , Length: 900mm
FrameAnodized Aluminum Alloy   
No. of Bypass Diodes3&6     
ConnectorMC4 Compatible     
Working Conditions
Maximum System Voltage

DC 1000V(IEC) / 1500V(IEC) / 600V(UL)

Operating Temperature-40°c~+85°c
Maximum Series Fuse15A     
Application ClassClass A 
Temperature Coefficient
Temperature Coefficient of Pmax-0.41%/°c     
Temperature Coefficient of Voc-0.31%/°c   
Temperature Coefficient of Isc+0.06%/°c     

♦ Founded in 1994 , 300MW solar panel production capacity ,solar panel power range 3watt to 360watt for both polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panel 
♦ 10 years total workmanship and materials warranty , 10 years for at least 90% and 25 years for 80% linear power output warranty  

♦ 100% EL test before package and shipping 
♦ Two factories , solar panel factory , battery factory 
♦ Cooperated with world famous big companies like Trina Solar , Suntech Solar , Yingli Solar , HUAWEI

♦ Products are exported to more than 150 countries 
♦ Products are certified by TUV(Germany) , UL(America) ,CE 
♦ Turn-key solar systems are offered , to save the time and money for the clients  
♦ Rich experience in overseas construction of solar projects 


Verpackung und Versand

>=1 w

US 0.21-0.28


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